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Parents/Carers Newsletter April 2022

By April 6, 2022No Comments

Dear Parent/Carer

I hope this email finds you well.

With the Spring break fast approaching, I thought I should write and provide an update to you on matters as detailed below.

Reports and parents/carers evening for our primary and secondary provision:

I hope by now you have all had chance to read about your child’s progress in the reports that were sent out via email last Friday. If for any reason you have not received your child’s report, please phone in and let us know.

You should have also received your log in for Thursday’s parents/carers virtual consultation with tutors and care staff. Again, if you have not received this please phone in and let the receptionist know.

Term dates:

Children will be leaving school after lunch on Thursday 7th April to return from the Spring break on Tuesday 26th April. The following Monday is also a bank holiday (2nd May) so the school will be closed with children expected back into school on Tuesday 3rd May.

Friday the 27th May is now a school day rather than an inset day with Monday
20th June being an inset day instead.

Year 11’s:

Our year 11’s last exam is Wednesday 15th June which will also be their last day in school. We are happy for them to attend school as usual until this day. Let me take this opportunity to wish our year 11’s the very best in their forthcoming exams.

Building and tree work:

If you have visited the school recently, or seen the pictures on our website, you will be aware that we are in the process of starting the work on the woods and main building. Work on the woods will not be completed until next year (2023) whilst the building work we hope will be completed by mid-October. I apologise for any inconvenience that this may cause your child or yourselves when you visit. Children may find classrooms in the main building are out of use at times and will have to move to another room on site. You may find car parking spaces limited when you visit. We will do our upmost to keep disruption to a minimum.

I am hopeful that the trees will be felled and cleared around the lakes by the time we return from this Spring break, so that fishing on site can resume.


Last week the Government announced their new ‘Living with Covid’ guidelines for schools.

Firstly, regular asymptomatic testing is no longer recommended in any education or childcare setting, including in SEND, alternative provision and children’s social care settings. Therefore, we will not be able to order further
testing kits.

Secondly in the absence of testing, pupils who are unwell and have a high temperature should stay at home and avoid contact with other people. They can go back to school when they no longer have a high temperature and they
are well enough to attend. Please accept my apologies for not being able to provide further information
– I will write again if and when we receive updates. The full guidance can be found here.


To end on a really positive note, following a 3-day inspection of our residential provision back in January 2022, we are delighted to announce that we are rated ‘Good’ by Ofsted Social Care. If you would like to read a copy of the report this is available on our website. Thank you to all that helped and supported us to gain this recognition. We are still awaiting an inspection of our education provision which is now overdue because of the pandemic and the backlog it has caused.

Thank you once again for your continued support.

Yours faithfully

Sara Hack


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