All meals are served in the in the dining room, except supper. This is served in the houses in the evening.
We follow a healthy living menu, with different choices available for every meal, including a vegetarian option. We’re pleased to say that this approach has helped to earn us the Healthy Schools Award. The main meal is served at about 5 pm, with sandwiches, salads or a snack at lunchtimes.
We work together with their parents and carers to make sure that every pupil stays fit and healthy.
The school has a nurse dedicated to addressing the health needs of all young people when they are at school.
The school offers a wide range of physical activities, good dietary advice and a balanced diet. Staff are qualified to administer prescribed medicines and first aid, and naturally, we offer full assistance with emergency treatment if required.
Like any organisation that cares for children and young people, we aim to work together with their parents and carers to ensure that a high level of health care is maintained. This means that we will help them stay healthy by providing a range of physical activities and offering good dietary advice and a balanced diet. We will also administer prescribed medicines and offer good first aid and support to emergency treatment whenever it is needed.
We are happy to register young people with our local doctors; they can also remain with their local doctor at home, if parents prefer. However, because we want to make sure that we can provide the highest level of staffing possible to support the young people at all times throughout the day, Optician, Dental and Orthodontic appointments need to be arranged by parents/carers in the home area to take place in the school holidays so as to prevent any unnecessary absence.
We do ask parents and carers to arrange all optician, dental and orthodontic appointments in the home area during the school holidays. This way, young people do not miss school and we can offer the highest level of staffing possible throughout the day. Naturally, if a young person becomes ill during the week, with something that is contagious, or stops them from attending lessons, we will make arrangements for them to go home until they are well.