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Travel & Weather Disruption

Snow Coming!

By February 23, 2018June 23rd, 2020No Comments

Re. Local Weather Forecast

I am sure that you will have seen the recent weather forecast stating that it is likely we will have extremely cold weather and significant snow fall during the next two weeks. We are expecting to be able to keep the school open throughout this time but only if we have sufficient staff on site to do so. Obviously we need the staff in to look after the young people, feed them etc.

At this point the met office are pointing towards us having a significant snow fall Monday afternoon into Tuesday; this will mean that we will have to consider not opening on Monday as staff will not be able to travel safely into work Tuesday morning. Likewise, they are also saying we may get snowfall on Friday which may mean, if we have opened, we may need to close on Thursday. I am really sorry to be so vague about this but I am sure that you understand we can only respond to the information that is shared with us and that the safety of children and staff is paramount.

Obviously weather forecasts change on an hour by hour basis so we will not make any decisions until later Sunday afternoon. If we are not opening or opening late we will post a note on the message board on our website by 10pm Sunday. Please check the website before allowing your child to travel into school. Thank you for your support with this.

Kind Regards

Sara Hack
Head of Care

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