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Welcome back to school (on the 5th!)

By December 3, 2018June 23rd, 2020No Comments

I hope that you all had a wonderful Summer, making the most of what has in the main been beautiful weather. We look forward to welcoming our pupils back on Wednesday 5th September from 8.30am onward. Our staff team will be in from Tuesday for a training day and staff will attempt to make contact with all parents and carers to see how your summers have been. We look forward to a busy term with lots of new pupils joining us whilst we make the most of the last throws of summer.

We made an exception to the rule last term, due to the extremely hot weather, and allowed pupils to wear shorts during the school day. As the weather is far cooler we expect all pupils to return to wearing trousers or skirts in line with our uniform policy. I would also ask that you ensure that your child returns with school shoe that fit them and are able to be polished. Thank you for your support with both of these issues.



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