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Special Events

World Book Day

By March 1, 2019June 23rd, 2020No Comments

World Book Day – Thursday 7th March 2019

Great news World Book Day is looming (next Thursday just in case you forgot to highlight it in your diary!)
This year the English Department would like to enlist your help.

1. Can you select your favourite book (child friendly editions please) and select a passage from it to read to your class/ house on World Book Day. Please can you let either Trish, Kate or Carol have it with your favourite section highlighted to be printed out. Please e-mail Trish the slip below.

2. Everyone’s a Character |

Please can you come in Fancy Dress for the day or Props for those who are less inclined to indulge … so that it creates a surreal atmosphere where everyone is someone or something. BAH Humbugs included….
If stuck for ideas, please ask the English Department

Competition Time

Will you be the 2019 Winner of Best Character Award? (There will be one for pupils too)

3. Mystery Competition

Please complete slip below and e-mail to Trish asap – no later than Friday 1st March 3.30pm.
Each member of staff on the premises will be given a sticky label with the name of a book on it. Pupils and staff need to find out Who is each book.

Thank you in advance for your help.

Please reply (with the details below) to TE by Friday 1st March 2019.

Name :
Favourite Book:
Why do you like this book?


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