We are delighted to announce that Steve De Souza, who has been a long standing member of our care team, has recently been appointed to the role of Head of Care. Steve has a wealth of experience at Farney Close and an eye for detail. We really look forward to seeing our care provision move from strength to strength under Steve’s leadership.
In addition, the governing body have recently made the decision to add a Vice-Principal role into our leadership structure, to help with our capacity to drive our vision for the school forward even further. Due to this being a recent decision we have appointed Emily Hopkins-Hayes as an Interim Vice-Principal to work with us in the short term, in order to allow us to run a full round of recruitment in the autumn term. We expect to have our permanent Vice Principal in post from January 2020 and will keep up to date. Emily said “I am really excited to be supporting the team and young people at Farney Close School and look forward to some hard but rewarding work ahead.”