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Parents/Carers Newsletter Sep 2022

By September 1, 2022No Comments


NEWSLETTER No 4, Summer 2022


I hope that this Newsletter finds you all well and enjoying the Summer break 2022.

I thought you might like to hear some of the news from us at Farney.


Summer term 2022:

Prior to the June half term break we had an afternoon of celebration for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee with a cream tea for all, egg and spoon races, sack races etc and tug of war, coconut shy, stocks and football shoot out, all coming to an end with an ice cream van appearing and providing the most delicious Mr Whippy’s.

Our year 11s did themselves, you and us proud. They sat their examinations maturely and were diligent in the process. We wish them luck and happiness in the next part of their education. The year 10s have also sat mock exams, this term, to support them in the process of preparing for their exams next year.

Our enrichment day, towards the end of term and after the year 11s had left, was enjoyed by all. Whilst some pupils from all year groups stayed on site most of year 7 went to Harry Potter world, Years 8s went to Huxley’s Birds of Prey, one group of year 9 went to museums in London whilst the other year 9 group had the opportunity to learn from and play with a rock group that came into school. Year 10s had a more relaxed day giving them chance to recover from their mocks.

A term full of memory making.


Over the Summer:

For anyone travelling past the school on the A272, the road will be shut for 5 days from Monday 25th July, 8am to 5pm. This is to enable us to cut down trees that require attention along the roadside and start putting a fence up along the roadside. Within the next six months our tree work should all be completed, and the school should have an 8-foot fence around the whole site.

The other side of the school woods are looking very different, refreshed with an area being cleared as meadow that we have not accessed before. All this means that moving forward we will be able to make much more use of the school site.

The refurbishment of the main building continues with an end date of the end of October still looking possible. If things go to plan we will be inviting you all in to enjoy entertainment prior to the Christmas break. Prior to COVID we always had a Christmas show and we are looking forward to reintroducing this again this year.

An area that we refer to as the arch way cottage is being refurbished over the Summer and will become our therapy centre. Sue, our school therapeutic counsellor and Lucy, our Art Therapist will work out of this area. To support with the rise in pupil numbers we are starting a search for another parttime counsellor/therapist. This person will be found on the top floor of the therapy centre.

The cookery classroom is also having a refit over the break and there are plans to decorate some classrooms, the support class and areas on some of the house units.

A coatrack will be appearing in the long hall so that coats are not thrown on the floor in future but hung up. Outside gym play equipment is also looking to be put insitu at the back of the school, over the break.

Attendance postcards are going out to those that have 95% attendance or over. 34 young people received these postcards. Principal postcards will also go out to those that I have identified as doing really well over the year.

An out of office message is being put on all education and care staff emails directing people where they can get help and support should they require it. You can also leave a message on the school phone but it will not be accessed every day. is an email address that will be viewed on a daily basis.

From next week the building work on the main building is going to “ramp up” with them bringing more workers in. The children and young people should see a significant difference when they arrive back in school on Monday 5th September.

Staff will all be back on the 1st September for two inset days. A member of staff will contact you over one of the two days to catch up on any news.

We have said goodbye to various members of staff as we have finished the term but look to welcome many to us as we open in September.


Goodbyes and Hellos:

In education we have said goodbye to two teaching assistants, Sian and Greg. I wish them both the very best with their future plans. We welcome Ashleigh who joined us this term as a Teaching Assistant and Zoe will hopefully also be joining this team for September. Kim moves to being our school receptionist Monday to Thursday with Sam stepping in on a Friday. Eleanor has come to the end of her short-term contract on reception. Sam will spread her time across Monday to Thursday working with Nicki in Finance, and in Cathy’s doing work on EHCPs and new pupil administration. Emma is to be congratulated for her promotion to the position vacated by Kim of Head TA.

Elizabeth has joined us recently as our Day Support Pastoral worker and looks forward to carrying on this work in September.

Corrie has also already joined us as our new performing art teacher two days a week. A very exciting venture for us.

Nick joins us as a second science teacher allowing us to move toward offering a double GCSE in science. Nick has worked with us previously on supply.

Vish joins us as our new D&T teacher and will be supporting with other subjects as well.

Clarence leaves us and will be replaced by Chris who joins us with significant experience as a PE teacher. Obviously, Clarence is going to be hugely missed. He has asked for no big deal and to just leave quietly but he cannot go without recognition for the massive, positive impact he has had in his time here at Farney.

With reference to our SEND team. Hulya has now officially retired and appears to be having a wonderful time. Katie joins our SEND team as our new specialist teacher. Katie will be with us Monday to Thursday and Marilyn has promised she will now step back and enjoy working three days a week instead of every hour of every day.

Alicia and Amy are leaving our Primary provision and moving onto pastures new. Primary parents I am sure that you join me in thanking them and offering best wishes with their new ventures. James (not our Head of Education) is our new Primary teacher, and he will be supported by the returning Dawn who previously worked on the care team. Dave will also be spending more time up on Primary but continuing to run Duke of Edinburgh for the secondary provision.

Tez has joined out wonderful maintenance team with a new Sam also now in place as their admin support.

We sadly say goodbye to our Cleaning Supervisor, Karen who has chosen to discreetly depart. Karen and her family have been part of Farney forever, it seems, and her departure sees the end of an era. We have appointed Jodie from September as our daytime cleaner.

Katie has started her maternity leave which we all wish her the very best and look forward to meeting her Baby. Sadly, we say goodbye to Marilyn who I suspect is looking forward to lots of grandparent duties.

Abi has joined the care team this term and we look forward to welcoming Harry back in September.

It has been a mission, but we come back having filled most vacancies with the following exceptions


  • Evening cleaner 4 days a week during term time
  • Kitchen assistant – afternoon to early evening.
  • TA
  • Primary teacher.
  • Care team member
  • Therapist / counsellor

If you know anyone interested, then please get them to get in touch.


Thank you

I hope that you will join me in thanking all of the staff that work at Farney Close for their comment and hard work. Without every member of our team we could not provide the service that we do.

Thank you for the support you have offered the school and for the dedication that you show your child that makes our job that much easier.

Have a wonderful break and we look forward to seeing your child back with us in September.

Kindest of Regards


Should you require support or advice, please follow the links below:

If you wish to contact us about a Safeguarding issue please email

The Senior Leadership Team (Sara, Ray, Steve and James) will also be accessing their emails at points over the break.

A member of staff will be in contact with parents and carers on Thursday 1st Sept or Friday 2nd Sept.

The school reopens for children on Monday 5th September.

If you require further support, please consider the following links:

Childline – 0800 1111 –

NSPCC – 0808 800 5000 –

NHS mental health support –

Action for Children –

Internet Safety –


You can download this newsletter by clicking here.


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